Flax and Fibonacci

 Flax and Fibonacci

A range of 2D and 3D activities that explore the magical qualities of the Fibonacci Sequence and geometry that underlies the Flax flower and other natural forms. How sequences of numbers can be transformed into 3D and musical structures are also explored through simple algorithms.

This programme was successfully trialled with Fort Hill Integrated Primary School, Lisburn through a project initiated by R-Space Gallery and funded by Lisburn and Castlereagh Borough Council.

Session One: Introduction to Fibonacci sequence and geometry in nature. Pupils create a sculpture from a Fibonacci spiral.

Session Two: Pupils draw their own Fibonacci spiral on graph paper and design flowers to attract bees using their knowledge of ultraviolet light.

Session Three: Pupils learn about simple algorithms and translate their names into musical notes. these notes are turned into a musical piece by the artist. Listen to Fort Hill’s here

Session Four: Design and build small collaborative Dodecahedron sculptures decorated with geometric shapes derived from the Fibonacci sequence.

Session Five: Introduction to repeat pattern design. Pupils design their own repeat patterns using forms derived from the 12 growing phases of the Flax plant.

Session Six: Pupils use their selected repeat patterns at a larger scale to decorate faces of a large Dodecahedron sculptures.